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Contact Module

With the Contact form, you can let employees sign up for your conferences or event and keep track of the number of participants.

Laura Tierney avatar
Written by Laura Tierney
Updated over a week ago

Updated: 28.10.2022, by: Sofía Terán

Estimated time to read: 6 - 7 mins.

You can use the Contact form to sign up new contacts as recipients of your communication with name, email address, phone number, and other information - to sort them based on affiliation to departments, for instance. Also, the options in this module are great for keeping track of who will participate in your company events, or how many veggie menus you need to order for the summer party.

Please note...

  • You can use the module both to sign up existing and new contacts. If you want to use the contact info form to create new contacts, you must enable the sign-up via the public link of the message. You'll find the public link under Advanced on the Send page.

  • You have to include at least one piece of information, which is also part of your key policy, in the contact form. The key policy is available for the Admins of your platform.

  • If you have duplicate contacts in your platform, you will not be able to use the Contact form until you have removed these.

Create sign-up with contact info module

  1. Create message

  2. Click on Contact

  3. Select the relevant contact fields and drag and drop them in the order you prefer. Users with Admin access can create new custom fields.

  4. If you want to simplify the signup process for your contacts by including predefined information in the signup form, then check the datapicker field and select from the drop-down

  5. If you want to add options (such as how many vegetarians are attending the summer party in your company), you can check the options box and list the alternatives. You can select relevant groups in the drop-down under each option and place contacts in these. Read about creating new groups here

  6. The last preference you need to set is what happens when your contact submits the form:

  • Set a text for the submit button. If no changes are made, it will read submit to let your contact know they're required to press the button.

  • Then you need to select a group to which the contact is added after submission.

  • Finally, you'll have to determine what should happen after the form has been submitted:


Your submit button will read thank you when clicked. You can change the button text if you prefer something else.

Go to page

Will add another page to this message. It's a great way of providing your contact with more information. If they have signed up for your next company event, you can thank those who registered and let them know that you will keep them updated in the run-up to the event.

Go to message

If you want to take your contact to another message, select this option and then select the message from the drop-down.

Go to URL

You can use this option if you want to link to a page outside of Actimo, like your company website.

Send message

If you want your contact to receive a message after submitting the required information, click on this option and select a message.

Add multiple actions for the submit button

You can start more action when someone submits their information in the contact form. For instance, you can direct them to the next page and send them a new message in one and the same click:

Tags: Contact form, contacts, signup, edit contacts, update contacts, event, event management

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