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Contact relationship field

Create relationships between contacts, such as manager & employees, and automatically send notifications to certain people based on these.

Laura Tierney avatar
Written by Laura Tierney
Updated over a week ago

Estimated time to read: 5 - 6 minutes

A case in point

Above, we have John Doe, who's a newly appointed account manager in the Sales department. His manager is called Charlie Shaw. With the manager/employee relationship it's possible to automatically notify Charlie every time John accomplishes a new step in his onboarding or sales training, by sending him a message via an automation. You can use relationship fields within messages too.

How to send a message to a manager

In order to automatically send a message to the manager, you'll need to set up an automation.

  1. Go to Automation and set up the path with the messages that contain your trainings. This is the employee path.

  2. Add a new action for each step of the training path. Then select the message that contains the notification and select the recipient, ie. the relevant contact relationship field.

  3. Now, whenever John completes another step in his training flow, his manager Charlie will receive a notification automatically.

How to use relationship fields in a message

You can also refer to the contact relationships within messages. The information in the relationship fields on individual contacts will merge accordingly in the message text fields.

  1. Create a new message and select the text module.

  2. Write your text and use the tags to merge the information from the contact relationship fields.

Adding relationships to contacts

How to create a new relationship field (Admin access required)

  1. Go to the Admin settings and click on the Contact tab.

  2. Scroll to the Contact Relationship Types section, then click + ADD NEW RELATIONSHIP TYPE.

  3. Type in the relationship you need and click the Save button, at the bottom of your screen.

How to populate relationship fields on individual contacts

You can fill the relationship fields on contacts in two ways; either you can type in the relationship manually on each contact, or you can sync them automatically if you have an integration set up towards your HR system (reach out to [email protected] if you want to know more about integrations).

Questions & answers

Q How many contact relationship fields can I create?
A You can create a maximum of 10 relationship fields.

Q Why can't I save the relationship?
A It's a prerequisite that all relationships are created as contacts. If you can't save a relationship, please check if the person has a contact in the platform.

Q Can I add more people in the same relationship field?
A Yes. You can add a group in the relationship field.

Q Which HR systems can I integrate to?
A Please visit Actimo's website to learn more about integrations.

Tags: relationship, automation, training, overview, manager, employee

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