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Build a calendar in Actimo 📆

Build a calendar in Actimo and make it easy for employees to find and read about scheduled events, courses etc.

Written by Heidi Larsen
Updated over a week ago

In this playbook we will show how to build a calendar in Actimo - and use the calendar to crate an overview of your events, courses, etc.

To build a calendar you will need to create a frontpage for the whole calendar, and a landing page for each month. This will allow you to create events and tag them with a category for the month of the event. The event will then be displayed on the landing page of the given month.

Follow these four steps below to create your calendar in Actimo:

Step 1: Create a category for each month

The first thing that you need to do is to create a category for each month of the year.

  • Navigate to “Message” under admins settings

  • Add a category for each month “January”, “February”, “March”, “April” etc.

  • Click save

Create categories for your calendar:

Step 2: Create a landing page for each month

Next, you need to create a landing page for each month.

The best way to design a landing page for each month is to use a grid module as a header, incorporating navigation to move back and forth between months. Additionally, include a feed to display messages containing events specific to that particular month.

In the following we will go through creating the landing page for “February”:

  • Create a message and add a grid module with 3 tiles per row and add 3 tiles

  • Add text to the tiles

    • Add a back arrow in the first tile

    • Add the name of the month in the second tile - in this case “February”

    • Add a forward arrow in the third tile

  • Add navigation to the tiles by clicking the tool next to each tile and click “Add action”:

    • First tile navigates back to “January”

    • Second tile has no navigation

    • Third tile navigates forward to “March”

  • Style the grid with your preferred background color and borders.

  • Click save

Add a grid module with 3 tiles per row and add 3 tiles:

Add text to your tiles:

Add the navigation to the tiles:

Add your preferred color and border color to the grid:

February landing page in message composer:

Now you have created the header with navigation back and forth from month to month - and you just need to add a feed in order to show the content of the specific month:

  • Add a feed module to the message and the category “February” to the feed

  • Do your preferred settings of the feed

  • Click save

Add a feed and add the specific category:

February landing page done:

The landing page for “February” is now done. It is, however, good practice to include a way to get back to the calendar frontpage, so we recommend that you add a button below the feed for that purpose.

Repeat the above for each month. Consider whether the navigation on “January” (first tile) and “December” (third tile) should be empty since it is the first and last month of the year.

Step 3: Create a landing page for your calendar frontpage

Next you need to create a landing page for the calendar frontpage and connect it with the landing pages of each month. For the calendar frontpage, you can use a grid module with 12 tiles where each tile navigates to each month.

  • Create a message and add a grid module with 3 tiles per row and add 12 tiles

  • Name the tiles “January”, “February”, “March” etc. and add an icon to each if you like

  • Click on the tool next to each tile to add and action that navigates to the specific landing pages for each month

  • Style the calendar with your preferred background color and border color

  • Click save

Add a grid module with 3 tiles per row and add 12 tiles:

Add text to your tiles:

Add navigation to the tiles:

Add your preferred color and border color of the grid:

Calendar frontpage in message composer:

Step 4: Create a menu item for your calendar

If you want to show the calendar in the menu of your app you need to create a menu item for your calendar.

  • Navigate to a random message

  • Open advanced settings in the bottom of the message composer

  • Click “Menu” and add a new menu item “Calendar”

  • Add an action to the menu item that navigates to the landing page with the frontpage of the calendar

  • Click save

Create a menu item for your calendar:

Step 5: Create content for your calendar

Your calendar is done and you can now start creating the content to be shown in the calendar.

  • Create a message for each event, add the content and navigate to the publish page of the message

  • Add the category for the month of the given event

  • Publish the message to the group for whom the event is relevant

  • Click save

Create events and tag them with the category for the specific month:

The event will now show up in the event calendar under the specific month.

The event calendar in the app:

Menu, Calendar frontpage, February landingpage and Event message:

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