Updated: 06.11.2020, by: Jesper Jakobsen
Estimated read time: 3 - 4 minutes.
Create a Menu
Video - how to create a menu (6 minutes):
Click on create message
Find Menu under Advanced located at the bottom left side of the screen.
A window will appear where you'll have to click on create new. Menus consists of overriding sections and subordinate items. You can have several items for each section
Now start the configuration: Set the text and background color in Hex, RGB or HSV format, add an icon and check/uncheck unread notifications depending on your preferences
Under what happens when clicked, select go to message or go to url depending on your needs. If you want to link to the grids on your frontpage, select go to message. If you want to link out of Actimo, select go to url - a tip when selecting url is to check the option open in new window, which will make it easier for your users to navigate back again
Once you're done creating your menu, you can add it to the rest of your platform. You do this under Admin settings, navigate to Defaults and find the Menu and choose the menu you created from the dropdown menu.
Edit a Menu
Click on the a message that contains the menu you wish to edit
Access your by clicking advanced in the bottom left side of the screen
Edit your menu in the pop-up window
Click Save
If you want to delete a menu, that can be done in the content library. Find the menu in the content library, click on the three dots and click the delete button.
Tags: menu, sections, navigation, shortcuts, links, video guide