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Using the upload module

How and when to use the Upload module'

Laura Tierney avatar
Written by Laura Tierney
Updated over a week ago

Written by: Jesper Jakobsen, 13.04.2021.

Estimated time to read: 3 - 4 minutes

What is the Upload module?

The Upload module allows the users of your Actimo platform to upload a number of different types of files - it's found in the feedback, in the design tab of messages. Simply it makes it possible for users of Actimo to add files to Actimo, making it easy to share pictures, documents, videos, etc.

What files can be uploaded via the Upload module?

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Word and Excel files

  • PDF files (NEW)

Other options:

  • "Upload multiple files" - allows the user to add multiple files and filetypes (if more than one is chosen) at once.

  • "Save uploaded files to content library" - all the files uploaded, will afterwards be available in the content library.

  • "User able to add image caption" - allows the user to add a short caption the images they may upload.

When are good times to use the Upload module?

There are many good occasions to use the upload module. Generally, it's great for feedback and to allow your users to share stuff from their day-to-day experience, sharing material and for fun competitions. Here are some examples:

  • Photo competitions (Christmas, Easter, Summer etc.)

  • Brainstorming

  • Sales & presentation material

  • Big company wins

  • Sales reporting

  • General reporting

  • Feedback

Upload module in analytics and content library

In the analytics tab of messages with the Upload module(s), you can see all the files that have been uploaded and the file type as well. If 'Save uploaded files to Content library' is enabled, you will find the files there. You can see what it will look like here:

Tags: upload, module, sharing, feedback, pictures, videos, images, PDF

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