Estimated time to read: 5 - 6 minutes
What is Actimo Translate?
Actimo translate is an Actimo feature that enables employees to translate content in 60+ languages using automatic machine translation through Amazon Translate.
How does it work?
Available for text content in your Actimo messages and social wall, your employees will be able to translate posts, comments, and messages into their preferred language directly in their employee app.
Admins and Editors of the app will be able to turn on and off Actimo Translate on individual messages.
Note that only text content can be translated, so text displayed on pictures will not be detected by this feature.
How does it look like in your employee app?
In an Actimo message: A Translate button will show on top of a message
βOn the social wall: A translate option will appear below the text in a post or comment.
Here is how your employee can read your content in their preferred language:
Message is received.
Open the message.
On the top of the screen, you will see the option to translate.
Select translate and there you have it.
The message appears in your preferred language.
What if your employees want to change their preferred language?
You can always adjust your preferred language from your profile:
Click on your profile photo/initials in your employee app.
Navigate to the bottom of the page where you see translate.
Select Translate settings.
Choose a new preferred language and saved language and save.
How to start with Actimo Translate?
On your Actimo Platform:
Enabling in your Admin settings allows you to then turn on this feature in your employee app.
Go to Admin settings.
From Admin navigate to "Defaults".
Scroll down and you will see "Translate".
You can toggle on/off this feature.
In your employee App:
Once you turn on the feature in your default section, your employees will see a pop-up in their app to introduce them to the new feature.
Note: The text in the pop-up will be in the default language you have set in your admin default section.
What languages are available?
You will find a list of all the languages supported by AWS:
Afrikaans | German | Polish |
Albanian | Greek | Portuguese |
Amharic* | Gujarati* | Romanian |
Arabic** | Haitian Creole | Russian |
Armenian* | Hausa** | Serbian |
Azerbaijani | Hebrew** | Sinhala* |
Bengali* | Hindi* | Slovak |
Bosnian | Hungarian | Slovenian |
Bulgarian | Icelandic | Somali |
Catalan | Indonesian | Spanish |
Chinese (Simplified)* | Italian | Spanish (Mexico) |
Chinese (Traditional)* | Japanese* | Swahili |
Croatian | Kannada* | Swedish |
Czech | Kazakh | Tagalog |
Danish | Korean* | Tamil* |
Dari* | Latvian | Telugu* |
Dutch | Lithuanian | Thai* |
English | Macedonian | Turkish |
Estonian | Malay | Ukrainian |
Farsi (Persian)** | Malayalam* | Urdu** |
Filipino Tagalog | Maltese | Uzbek |
Finnish | Mongolian | Vietnamese |
French | Norwegian | Welsh |
French (Canada) | Persian** |
Georgian* | Pashto** |
* Languages are still in testing and are not yet available in your employee app.
** RTL languages are technically not supported in your employee app.
Tags: Translate, guide, step-by-step, languages, auto-translate, best practice
Contact: [email protected]