What does it mean "sleeping contacts"?
Sleeping contacts are the number of employees who did not visit the app or open a message during the specified date range in "show data for"(7 days, 3 days, 3 months 6 months, or 12 months).
Where can you find the number of your sleeping contacts?
You will find the information on the dashboard inside your Actimo account, at the left bottom of the communicate insight:
How can to create a group from your "sleeping contacts"?
Here are the steps:
Log into your Actimo backend account
Click on the dashboard
Specify a date range in "show data for", you can select between, 7 days, 3 days, 3 months 6 months, or 12 months).
Once the period is selected, scroll down until the bottom of the communication insight
Click on the word "Sleeping"
You'll be prompted to the drilldown of the sleeping contacts
Check that the number of contacts and the period selected is correct
Click on "Create Group" on the right side of the screen
You'll see a default name of the group that will be created, which you can also edit
Once the group is created you'll see an alert to open the group or you can also click on "Groups" and check the information
Tags: dashboard, communication, sleeping contacts, groups
If you have any other questions please reach out to support [email protected]