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Azure AD integration

Synchronise contacts from Azure AD to Actimo

Laura Tierney avatar
Written by Laura Tierney
Updated over a week ago

Updated: 18.01.2021, by: Jesper Jakobsen

Estimated time to read: 5 - 6 mins.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to implement Azure AD to Actimo.

NB: Admin Access is required. Please reach out to your Actimo admin or contact support at [email protected].

Follow the guide:

  1. Log in to your Azure portal.

  2. Click “Azure Active Directory” in left menu.

  3. Click “App registrations” in local menu.

  4. Click “New registration” in local top menu.

5. Select a name for your application, i.e. “Actimo User Sync”.
6. Click “Register”.

7. Copy the "Application ID" to a secure location.
8. Click "Certificates & secrets" in app left menu.

9. Click "New client secret".
10. Give it a Description, set to Expires "Never" and click "Add".

11. Copy the "Secret key" to a secure location.
12. Click "API permissions" in app left menu.
13. Click "Add a permission".

14. Select "Microsoft Graph".

15. Select "Application permissions".
16. Select "User.Read.All" permission. Select "Group.Read.All" if you intend to use group memberships for limiting scope or syncing memberships to Actimo groups.
17. Click "Add permissions".

18. Click "Grant admin consent for Default Directory" and click "Yes" in dialog.

19. Click "Overview" in app left menu.
20. Click "Endpoints" in app top menu.

21. Copy "OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1)" to a secure location.

22. Send the "OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1)" and "Application ID" via mail to your Customer Success Manager.
23. Send the "Secret key" via different channel (i.e. SMS) to your Customer Success Manager.


Tags: Azure, AD, integration, contacts, synchronise, sync, guide, step-by-step

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